Our decision to close down stores by August 29th is not intended to punish customers or the Government —GUTA

The Ghana Union of Traders (GUTA) says the decision to declare on August 29, 2022, is not meant to punish the Ghanaian public or deceive them of goods and services.

President of GUTA, Dr. Joseph Obeng, says the move is to help them make a statement over the challenges confronting Ghanaian businesses following the depreciation of the local currency, high-interest rates and rise in inflation.

Dr. Joseph Obeng stated that the ‘no shop day’ is only for one day, and that the purpose of the day is to inform the government that businesses are bleeding, that we are struggling to survive, and that we require assistance. We are not punishing customers or any government.

We simply want the government to be aware of the extent of our suffering. That is the primary reason for this decision,” he explained.

He urged Ghanaians to support them as they work to find solutions to their problems

GUTA has declared that all of its members’ shops in Accra will close on Monday, August 29, 2022.

In the meantime, he said, all shops should hang red banners in front of their stores to urge the government to look for solutions to the Cedi’s rapid depreciation, which is accompanied by high inflation and interest rates.

Dr. Joseph Obeng, President of GUTA, stated at a media briefing in Accra that the Association is not fighting the government, but is ready and willing to engage in dialogue to find long-term solutions to the country’s economic challenges.

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