Commercialise prosecution of corruption and corruption related offenses – Domelevo to government

Former Auditor General, Daniel Domelevo

Former Auditor-General, Daniel Yao Domelevo has reiterated his call for government to commercialize the prosecution of corruption cases. In his opinion, decentralizing the prosecution of corruption and corruption related cases was not good enough, hence, the need for citizens to be empowered and incentivized to prosecute cases of corruption privately.

This he believes will add an additional layer of checks and balances on public officers. In an interview on JoyNews, Mr. Domelevo opined that the country can only deal with corruption when private individuals and institutions are allowed to “prosecute corrupt citizens for a living. If we leave corruption to few people and institutions, corruption will not be reduced.”

“There should be a generous reward scheme for anyone who successfully recovers proceeds of corruption for the government. If we will give between 10% and 20% of the amount successfully recovered as a reward, corruption will be nipped in the bud. Others have tried it and it is working for them,” he said.

Mr. Domelevo also appealed to government to resource the anti-corruption institutions to ensure that they perform to meet public expectations. “Government may have the best intentions but without resources these intentions will only be a dream,” he said.

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