Lawyer John Ndebugre

I’ve known John Ndebugre for more than a decade. He was like a dad. Just a month ago, his sons came to my office and we all spoke to him on the phone from his base in Zebilla.

We have tried unsuccessfully to stop him from going to court even at 72. Hewas one of the smartest and controversial lawyer/politician I’ve encountered and interviewed…

He served under the Rawlings led PNDC government and has so much to tell about their relationship until they fell out.

He served as Martin Amidu’s boss as Upper East Regional PNDC Secretary at a point. The two of them have always been friends.

I had threatened Hon Nde to write his memoirs, else, we’ll not organise his funeral. He started writing but didn’t go far. Today, he’s gone with all that treasure of memory. I’m truly devastated. Condolences to Thomas, Nelson and the family.

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