Fire outbreak: Fried yam seller burnt to death at Apam

An aged woman who sells fried yam at Apam in the Central Region has been burnt to ashes in a fire incident. The woman, Comfort Arhin per information gathered was by the roadside frying her yam on a coal pot when two men transporting a barrel containing premix fuel towards the Apam Roundabout passed by.

The barrel which was being rolled on the floor by the two men to transport the fuel caught fire from the coal pot and burst into a huge flame.

The 69-year-old fried yam seller unfortunately was lighted up instantly and burnt to death.The two men who were transporting the fuel were also not spared. Both men sustained injuries from the fire and have been hospitalised in critical condition.Read Also: 20% fare increment: Do not pay new fare till further notice- GRTCCThey were fortunate to escape after people in the area managed to douse the fire with buckets of water.Subsequently, personnel from the National Fire Service arrived on the scene to get things under control.Amid wailing, the burnt body of the deceased woman was conveyed and deposited at the Winneba Special and Trauma Hospital Mortuary.

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