Nkawkaw: St. Michael Parish Catholic Church launches 100 years centenary anniversary

The St. Michael Parish, under the Catholic Diocese of Koforidua has launched its 100 years centenary anniversary.
The anniversary, under the theme “Celebrating Christ through 100 years of Evangelization was geared towards God’s grace, protection and God’s existence and uplifting of the Roman Catholic Church.
Giving a welcoming address at  the launching of the anniversary on Sunday, June 26, the PPC Chairman, Mr. Michael Krobea Asante said, “today marks a very significant day for the Nkawkaw St. Michael catholic church. And for the church to attain 100 years, it’s no new Achievement. We have gathered here today, to officially launch the centenary anniversary. On behalf of the Parish priest and his able lieutenant, members of the Parish pastoral Council, we want to establish our profound gratitude for honoring our invitation for the launching, you’re warmly welcome”.

The church was established in 1922, 100 years ago, the catholic church begun in nkawkaw. It boast of about 19 outreaches or local church areas as of now.
The church has scheduled October 1 next year for the climaxing of the anniversary. Series of activities have been lined up between now and the climax day
Addressing the gathering, the Priest for the St. Michael parish Rev. Fr. Paul Tordzro admonished the church to be courageous against all forms of predicaments and life-threatening challenges that will discourage them from serving God.

He said, every 100 years is reminder for new things to be formed and that the church move s step further. He called on the church to be united, strong and stand together shoulder to shoulder to fight for God’s kingdom.
“The church want you and I to move another step and that’s why I’m happy the MCE said, the challenges before us is more than what we have seen. If what’s before us is more than what we have seen, them I’m challenging all of us to be honest, united and strong to the core.
We must not be frightened in our communications. Our communications henceforth, must be one that will bring us good deeds to the glory of God. We must not be subjected to things that would dampen our spirits but rather, we must be careful of the things we do and make sure that it serves in the interest of God, our nation and our Municipalities and ourselves”, he said.
He further called on the Political leaders, traditional leaders and the Religious leaders to be united and make the best of decisions to favor the country. However, he admonished for a deepen democracy in our societies and the
country at large.
On his part, the Municipal Chief Executive for the Kwahu West, Lawyer Yaw Owusu Addo urged the church to exercise their core mandates to shape the society from defraying on the cultural and moral principles of the country. He stated that the church must stand up against ungodly activities that seeks to draw majority of the Ghanaian people into acquiring wealth that do no conform to to their productivity output.

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