The governance architecture of democracies throughout history has recognised the separation of powers for the sole objective of checks on each arm of government. It is for this reason that the framers of Ghana’s 4th Republican Constitution created the Executive, Parliament and Judiciary.
Among these three arms, no one can doubt the pivotal role of Parliament as the most important body in a constitutional democracy where the rule of law is the most important ingredient in the growth and development of the governance system we have given to ourselves as a people after decades of political instability with attendant deterioration in all facets of society.
The unique role of Parliament is underscored by many provisions in the 1992 Constitution. It is Parliament alone that has the sole authority, among other powers to do the following:
a) enact laws;
b) approve all appointments of ministers and judges;
c) approve government’s budget;
d) approve loans, bonds, taxes and exemptions.
Recent happenings and a sober reflection on the performance of Parliamentarians are a matter of grave concern. Unbridled partisanship coupled with a lack of collective responsibility is undermining and ruining the role of the august body in our governance system. As elected representatives of the people, it appears our MPs are at a loss and insensitive to the mood of the nation. The excruciating hardships and state of despondency do not ring alarm bells.

May we ask our MPs a few key questions. Who approved all the loans and bonds so far taken by this govt? Who approved the reappointment of Ken Ofori-Atta in 2021 when it was obvious then that he had ruined the economy with his failed policies?
It is shocking to note that in the midst of the crisis facing this country, where the leadership of the country is at a loss on what to do, our MPs have also failed to come to the rescue by failing to do their work as overseers of the executive. The poor attendance by our elected representatives to debate the 2023 budget and carry on with related statutory functions is a matter of sad commentary.
It is so nauseating and irresponsible that MPs who are also double ministers of state chose to travel to Qatar to watch football matches and without a sense of shame sent images of their presence at matches as supporters. It is worthy of special note that the President of Ecuador politely declined FIFA’s invitation to attend the opening ceremony of the ongoing world cup, which featured the match between Qatar and Ecuador; his reason for declining the invitation was simple and responsible – due to pressing national issues in Ecuador.
Our MPs must be reminded that Parliament is the only governance institution that suffers when there is political upheaval as our recent past has shown. The survival and success of the 4th Republic depend on Parliament. The present crop of MPs does not have the mandate of the people to destroy their hopes and aspirations. MPs who cannot cope with this commitment do not have a place in this important institution and must not offer themselves for re-election. Pure and simple. Ghana needs serious and responsible leaders in all segments of governance.