Ghana’s Ministry of Health has announced an ongoing process to sign a nurse-for-cash agreement with the government of the United Kingdom. Health Minister Kweku Agyeman-Manu told Parliament on Monday, December 5, 2022, that just like the bilateral agreement between Ghana and Barbados, Ghanaian nurses will support UK’s health system
He said Ghana is likely to benefit from funds the UK government will pay for receiving the highly trained Ghanaian nurses
In 2020, Ghana sent 95 experienced nurses to Barbados to support the Caribbean country’s healthcare system.
During Ghana’s 65th Independence Day celebration on March 6, 2022, the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Motley, thanked Ghana profusely for sending in the nurses.
Mia Motley, who spoke as a special guest of honor, said:
She also said she was looking forward to accepting 200 more highly trained nurses from Ghana.
Over 3,000 Nurses Left Ghana for Better Conditions Abroad In First Quarter of 2022
Meanwhile, A-FJF.org has reported in a separate story that poor working conditions have compelled over 3,000 nurses in Ghana to migrate to other countries on their own in the first quarter of 2022 in search of better opportunities.
According to the mother association of nurses and midwives in Ghana, the unregulated migration of Ghanaian health workers, particularly nurses, to Europe and America, could affect Ghana’s health system.
Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwifery Association wants the ministry of health, the Ghana Health Service and other government agencies in the health sector to intervene.