Special Prosecutor yet to receive salary after 16 months in office

Since his appointment sixteen months ago, Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng and his staff are yet to receive their salaries in Ghana. This has resulted in a wave of discontent among the staff, who are struggling to make ends meet.

Kissi Agyebeng was appointed as Special Prosecutor of Ghana in May 2020, with the aim of investigating and prosecuting corruption-related cases in the country. However, it appears that the government has not been able to fulfill its promise of providing adequate funding for the office of the Special Prosecutor.

Despite the fact that the Special Prosecutor’s office is mandated to investigate and prosecute corruption-related cases, it appears that the government has not been able to fulfill its promise of providing adequate funding for the office of the Special Prosecutor. This has resulted in a wave of discontent among the staff, who are struggling to make ends meet.

The staff of the Special Prosecutor’s office is made up of lawyers, investigators, and administrative staff. The lawyers are responsible for the prosecution of cases, while the investigators are responsible for gathering evidence and other information. The administrative staff are responsible for the day-to-day running of the office.

The staff of the Special Prosecutor’s office have not been receiving their salaries since the office was set up in May 2020. This has made it difficult for the staff to meet their financial obligations. Some of the staff have had to take loans from family and friends in order to make ends meet.

The Special Prosecutor’s office is mandated to investigate and prosecute corruption-related cases in the country. It is believed that the government has not been able to fulfill its promise of providing adequate funding for the office. This has resulted in a wave of discontent among the staff, who are struggling to make ends meet.

The government is yet to address this issue, and the staff of the Special Prosecutor’s office are still waiting for their salaries. In the meantime, the staff have been forced to make do with whatever little they have, and are struggling to make ends meet.

The staff of the Special Prosecutor’s office have been working hard to investigate and prosecute corruption-related cases in the country, but it appears that the government has failed to fulfill its promise of providing adequate funding for the office. This has resulted in a wave of discontent among the staff, who are struggling to make ends meet.

The situation has become so dire that some of the staff have even been forced to leave their posts due to financial difficulties. This is a situation that should not be allowed to continue, and the government needs to take proactive steps to ensure that the staff of the Special Prosecutor’s office are adequately compensated.

In conclusion, it is clear that the government has failed to fulfill its promise of providing adequate funding for the office of the Special Prosecutor. This has resulted in a wave of discontent among the staff, who are struggling to make ends meet. It is high time that the government takes proactive steps to ensure that the staff of the Special Prosecutor’s office are adequately compensated, and that they receive their salaries on time.

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