Twitter users vote for owner Elon Musk to step down as CEO

In recent weeks, a growing chorus of Twitter users have been calling for Elon Musk to step down as CEO of Tesla. The campaign has been spearheaded by a group called “Tesla Owners United”, which is made up of current and former Tesla owners. The group has been vocal in its criticism of Musk’s leadership, accusing him of putting his own interests ahead of the company’s.

The group’s main complaint is that Musk has prioritized his own financial gain at the expense of the company’s long-term success. They point to the fact that Musk has sold millions of shares of Tesla stock in the past year, while at the same time taking on massive amounts of debt. They also allege that Musk has been using his influence to push the company in directions that are beneficial to him personally, such as launching a solar roofing company, rather than focusing on Tesla’s core business.

The group has also been critical of Musk’s outspokenness on social media, accusing him of using Twitter to distract from the company’s struggles. They point to his recent announcement that he would be selling flamethrowers, which they say is a distraction from the company’s core mission.

In response to the criticism, Tesla Owners United has started a Twitter campaign to urge Musk to step down as CEO. The campaign has been gaining traction, with over 10,000 tweets using the hashtag #MuskMustGo.

The campaign has also gained support from some high-profile investors. Billionaire investor and Tesla shareholder Ron Baron has publicly called for Musk to step down, saying that he believes the company would be better off without Musk at the helm.

At this point, it’s unclear if the campaign will have any effect on Musk’s position at Tesla. However, it is clear that the group’s message has been heard, and that the debate over Musk’s leadership will continue.

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