Center for Social Security demands prompt resolution on vaccine shortages

The Center for Social Justice (CSJ) has underscored the dire implication the vaccine shortages could have on the country and the need to take urgent measures to resolve the issue to prevent catastrophic consequences.

The Center in a statement warned that the shortages “if not expeditiously tackled puts our country at a huge risk of worsening disease outbreaks, an obliteration of all the gains made in increasing vaccine coverage and the reduction in under-5 mortality.”

The Center also expressed disappointment with the explanations given by the Director-General of the Ghana Health Service as being the reason behind the shortages.

“We were disappointed to learn from Dr. Patrick Kumah Aboagye, Director-General of the Ghana Health Service that these shortages are because of the depreciation of the cedi to the dollar. This exposes a culture of poor prioritization of health issues. Ghana’s failure to fulfil her co-financing obligations to Gavi is embarrassing and the CSJ would like to urge the government to prioritize health as it has a knock-on effect on all aspects of our lives.”

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