Kidi said he doesn’t have a liver disease.

Lynx Entertainment signee, KiDi has said he has no liver disease and the lyrics of his latest, I lied isn’t about any health challenge he is going through.

His statement, will perhaps end the conversation about his supposedly declining health status in the last two months.

In a video sighted by Graphic Showbiz, KiDi told Sika Osei on Lynx TV’s Stripped show that he has no liver disease.

 “I want to state categorically, I don’t have a liver disease,” KiDi said.

Public discussions about KiDi’S health started in March when it was reported in sections of the media that the Enjoyment hitmaker was down with stroke.

“A little under two months ago, I made the painful decision of cancelling my tour to take care of my health that included taking time off social media.

However, the artiste later gave room for more speculations about his health when be released  lyrics of his latest song, I Lied suggesting that he was suffering from liver cancer.

“If I show you my liver, You go take me to prayer. Don’t wait till I’m under 6 feet I’m gone…

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