Arnold Asamoah goes hard on MzGee, says she is not doing her job as a host well.

Ghanaian entertainment journalist Arnord Asoamoh Baidoo and host of United Showbiz, Gloria Akpene Nyarku-Acquah, exchanged heated words on the show.

Arnold accused MzGee of not doing her job as a host well.

He said that her attitude of letting guests say whatever they want contributes to their numerous quarrels.

MzGee took over from Nana Ama McBrown when the latter left UTV to join Media General’s Onua TV.

Previously, with McBrown as a host, the show was sued by Chairman Wontumi, who alleged that some of the guests had defamed him during discussions.

In the last episode, Arnold seemed to have a problem with MzGee’s work as a host, and he did not hesitate to tell her.

He said:

My issue is with you because you are the one asking us questions. And when we reply, you listen to all that we say. And so we are supposed to be listening to each other. It’s also important that you make your corrections. All that he (Mr Logic) said contradicts what Amanda and I said. If you don’t correct him, it will turn into a back-and-forth

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